Black Swamp Bird Observatory Field Trip Code of Ethics

Black Swamp Bird Observatory (BSBO) has developed a Code of Ethics to help ensure our field trips are an enjoyable experience for everyone. Please see the recommended information below to help make your experience a positive one and to ensure the birds and habitat are respected and protected.
We ask that you please keep in mind that whether birding, photographing, or just enjoying the great outdoors, we are all there for the same reason: to enjoy nature.
As a professional organization, Black Swamp Bird Observatory is committed to providing a safe experience for all, to the free expression and exchange of ideas, equitable transfer of knowledge, and equality of opportunity and treatment. In pursuit of that environment, BSBO is committed to ensuring that all individuals are treated with respect and dignity, and will promote equality of opportunity for all individuals, regardless of gender (including gender expression and gender identity), sex, sexual orientation, race, color, ethnicity, country of origin, citizenship status, religion, age, parental status, disability status, educational background, economic circumstance, criminal history/record, or any other marginalized status or potentially vulnerable group.
BSBO prohibits discrimination, harassment, and/or intimidation at all BSBO field trips, programs, events, meetings, and activities.
For the complete Equality and Diversity Policy of Black Swamp Bird Observatory, visit
- For the enjoyment of others, keep voices and noises to a minimum, including turning cell phones to silent or vibrate
- Please stay with the group at all times during your trip
- Respect the habitat and protect the resources by staying on marked trails
- When driving your car, please don’t stop in your lane, please pull your car over to a safe or designated area to park
- Be aware of your personal space and how it impacts others (i.e. backpacks, tripods, strollers, cameras, etc.)
- Be mindful of those around you and allow others to pass in congested areas
- We discourage the use of laser pointers at all times
- Refrain from using playback recordings as they can interfere with the birds' natural behaviors
- In order to respect the privacy of other participants, please refrain from using the Merlin app or other recording apps on these field trips
- Once you observe the bird, move on and let other people enjoy it
- Whenever possible, avoid passing in front of someone who's looking through optics or a camera
- Pack In - Pack Out rules apply: no littering
- Other than service animals, we ask that you do not bring pets
We ask that you please keep in mind that whether birding, photographing, or just enjoying the great outdoors, we are all there for the same reason: to enjoy nature.
As a professional organization, Black Swamp Bird Observatory is committed to providing a safe experience for all, to the free expression and exchange of ideas, equitable transfer of knowledge, and equality of opportunity and treatment. In pursuit of that environment, BSBO is committed to ensuring that all individuals are treated with respect and dignity, and will promote equality of opportunity for all individuals, regardless of gender (including gender expression and gender identity), sex, sexual orientation, race, color, ethnicity, country of origin, citizenship status, religion, age, parental status, disability status, educational background, economic circumstance, criminal history/record, or any other marginalized status or potentially vulnerable group.
BSBO prohibits discrimination, harassment, and/or intimidation at all BSBO field trips, programs, events, meetings, and activities.
For the complete Equality and Diversity Policy of Black Swamp Bird Observatory, visit