Alpha Code: BLJA Spanish: Chara Azul French: Geai bleu Band Size: 2 ~ 3 NW Ohio Status: Present all year Total Banded in Spring: 1,465 Average Banded in Spring: 49 Total Banded in Fall: 145 Average Banded in Fall: 5 |
Song: variety of calls, imitations, and harsh cries including jay-jay!
Description: Blue above with gray-white face and underparts. Black bar in front of eye and black border around face leading into crest. Brilliant blue wings and tail with black bars and white tips. Male and female alike throughout the year. Spring Migration Timing: Small flocks begin moving in late April with larger flocks and the bulk of total birds occurring May 1-11. |
Fall Migration Timing: Encountered in low numbers throughout fall, with spikes of activity occurring in mid- and late September, possibly suggesting migrant activity.
Migration Habitat: Common throughout a variety of forested habitats and adjacent clearings including deciduous forests, urban parks, and backyards. Notes: Migrant BLJA in spring tend to remain high in the canopy. Combined with point count and observational data, thousands of individuals will pass overhead during spring (outside the range of capture) generally within a few hours. |
Alpha Code: RBNU Spanish: Sita Canadiense French: Sittelle à poitrine rousse Band Size: 0 ~ 1 NW Ohio Status: Migrant, Breeding-rare, Winter-irregular Total Banded in Spring: 179 Average Banded in Spring: 6 Total Banded in Fall: 356 Average Banded in Fall: 12 |
Song: fast, nasally, high-pitched yank-yank-yank-yank
Description: Slate-blue above with orangish underparts. Striped face with white eyebrow, black eyeline, and white moustachial area. Male with bluer back and rich orange underparts; black crown. Female with grayer back and pale orange underparts; matte, dark gray crown. Spring Migration Timing: Sporadic and dependent on distance of winter dispersal and movements in late winter. Peak movements of RBNU still migrating in spring tend to occur in late April and early May, but can extend into mid-May. |
Fall Migration Timing: Dependent on northern cone production and pre-winter dispersal, but can extend from late August into November, with peak movements occurring September 23 through October 7.
Migration Habitat: Variety of forest types (especially those with conifers) but can also appear at backyard feeders. Notes: Shows years of irruptive migration when cone production in northern areas is low. While RBNU can typically be found to some degree every year in fall through spring, irruptive years produce the highest numbers of birds in fall and in the following spring. |
Alpha Code: BRCR Spanish: Trepador Americano French: Grimpereau brun Band Size: 0A ~ 0 NW Ohio Status: Migrant, Winter Total Banded in Spring: 823 Average Banded in Spring: 27 Total Banded in Fall: 1,678 Average Banded in Fall: 58 |
Song: jumble of thin, high-pitched phrases tee see, teesyew, see
Description: Mottled streaks of brown above with white underparts. Harbors a long, rufous tail and thin, curved bill. Male and female alike throughout the year. Spring Migration Timing: Early, with movements actually beginning in March. Peak numbers in April occurring 12-19, with most birds having passed through the region by the end of April. |
Fall Migration Timing: Late, with small numbers appearing by late September and the peak of total birds occurring October 10-17. Some can be found passing through into early November.
Migration Habitat: Found creeping along tree trunks of various deciduous and coniferous woodlands, but also urban parks and backyards. |