TWO major building projects are currently

The Black Swamp Bird Observatory Office, Visitor Center and Gift Shop is located at the entrance of Magee Marsh Wildlife Area / 13551 W. State Route 2 / Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449
Click HERE for a map
Directions from the east: Take I-90 west to SR-2 west and turn right at the Magee Marsh Wildlife Area sign and immediately left into our parking lot.
Directions from the west: From I-280 take exit 7 toward Oregon and turn left on SR-2 (Navarre Road). Turn left at the Magee Marsh Wildlife Area sign and immediately left into our parking lot.
Directions from the South: Take SR-53 north, turn left on SR-20, turn right on SR-590, turn right on SR-2 and turn left at the Magee Marsh Wildlife Area sign and immediately left into our parking lot.
Click HERE for a map
Directions from the east: Take I-90 west to SR-2 west and turn right at the Magee Marsh Wildlife Area sign and immediately left into our parking lot.
Directions from the west: From I-280 take exit 7 toward Oregon and turn left on SR-2 (Navarre Road). Turn left at the Magee Marsh Wildlife Area sign and immediately left into our parking lot.
Directions from the South: Take SR-53 north, turn left on SR-20, turn right on SR-590, turn right on SR-2 and turn left at the Magee Marsh Wildlife Area sign and immediately left into our parking lot.