Follow Along During Migration!
Like BSBO on Facebook and follow on Instagram for daily updates and photos from our Navarre Marsh Banding during spring and fall migration. And visit the BSBO Bird Bander's Blog for more detailed information.
All banding, marking, and sampling is being conducted under a federally authorized Bird Banding Permit issued by the U.S. Geological Survey’s BBL. |
Reports (updated weekly during migration)
*Numbers presented during the season are initial and don't take effort into account*
To better follow along during migration and compare to previous years, the number of birds banded in fall 2024 are graphed every banding day. 2024 is the number of birds banded each banding day. 2023 is the number of birds banded on the same date in fall 2023. And Average is the average number of birds banded on the same date based on every previous fall season. These numbers do not take effort into account and are for general comparisons.
To better follow along during migration and compare to previous years, the number of birds banded in fall 2024 are summed every banding day. 2024 is the cumulative number of birds banded this fall by date. 2023 is the cumulative number of birds banded in fall 2023 on the same date.
Species numbers are added to daily during the season, with the top ten changing as the season progresses. 2024 is the current number of birds banded thus far in the season. 2023 is the total number of that species banded infall 2023. And Average is the average number of that species banded during the fall season. These numbers do not take effort into account and are for general comparisons. For a breakdown of all species, high records, first and last capture, and highest capture date, click the 2024 Fall Weekly Banding Totals at the top of the page.
Return birds are those that are captured and already have a band, but were not banded in the current season (they were banded in a previous season or year and are returning). This table displays species captured this season with return individuals, the number of individuals, and the season/year those individuals were originally banded in.